Your gift will create impact.
Thanks to your generosity, we will be better able to support the lives of more than 5,000 community members who rely on our programs and services.
You truly make a difference. Thank you for your kindness.
Thanks to your generosity, we will be better able to support the lives of more than 5,000 community members who rely on our programs and services.
You truly make a difference. Thank you for your kindness.
MFRC provides impactful, holistic,
and highly accessible programs and
services to children, youth, families,
women, newcomers, and seniors.
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Registered Charity No. 107658395RR0001
Programs & Services
MFRC provides impactful, holistic,
and highly accessible programs and
services to children, youth, families,
women, newcomers, and seniors.
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MFRC provides impactful, holistic,
and highly accessible programs and
services to children, youth, families,
women, newcomers, and seniors.
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Registered Charity No.. 107658395RR0001
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Programs & Services