Women’s Programs
Diverse programs for community members that identify as women
Women’s programs are a safe space, where staff and trained volunteers link women to community services and programs. Our team offers informal counseling, intimate/gender-based violence support, information and referral services, and employment support. We work with other experienced partners in the community to provide trauma-informed programs and housing help/eviction prevention services.
To learn more about our programs,
events and advocacy work
please contact:
- Mimi Quong
- Women’s Program Coordinator
- ymquong@mfrc.org
- 416-284-4184 ext 243
Women’s Programs
Diverse programs for community members that identify as women
Women’s programs are a safe space, where staff and trained volunteers link women to community services and programs. Our team offers informal counseling, intimate/gender-based violence support, information and referral services, and employment support. We work with other experienced partners in the community to provide trauma-informed programs and housing help/eviction prevention services.
To learn more about our programs, events and advocacy work please contact:
- Mimi Quong
- Women’s Program Coordinator
- ymquong@mfrc.org
- 416-284-4184 ext 243
Women's program locations
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using the map.