
Newcomers Programs

Get support to assist your settlement, make new friends, and understand your new life in Canada

Our newcomer and settlement staff can help you and your family get settled, make new friends, and understand your new life in Canada. We offer newcomer and settlement services with flexible “blended” options, available in-person, over the telephone and online.

Services include:
  1. Needs Assessment
  2. Form Filling Supports
  3. Community Referrals
  4. Settlement Planning
  5. Citizenship Test Prep
  6. Special Events
Join our information workshops and group sessions to build your skills and connect to information and services that help you and your family settle in your new community.  See our program schedules, or contact us to learn more!
Cathy, MFRC’s Settlement Coordinator. This photo was taken at our ‘Meet and Eat.’ community get together program. This is a candid photo of Cathy having her nails painted by some of the youth attending the social gathering.

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Newcomers Programs

Cathy, MFRC’s Settlement Coordinator. This photo was taken at our ‘Meet and Eat.’ community get together program. This is a candid photo of Cathy having her nails painted by some of the youth attending the social gathering.

Get support to assist your settlement, make new friends, and understand your new life in Canada.

Our newcomer and settlement staff can help you and your family get settled, make new friends, and understand your new life in Canada. We offer newcomer and settlement services with flexible “blended” options, available in-person, over the telephone and online.

Services include:

  1. Needs Assessment
  2. Form Filling Supports
  3. Community Referrals
  4. Settlement Planning
  5. Citizenship Test Prep
  6. Special Events

Join our information workshops and group sessions to build your skills and connect to information and services that help you and your family settle in your new community.  See our program schedules, or contact us to learn more!

Check out our
program schedule

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